Dr. S. Manokaran, B.Pharm, BEMS, MSC (Couns & Psycho), Msc (YOGA), Dip (Medical Herbal Beautician),PhD (AM).,

REG No : 8500 has good knowledge over Herbal medicine,
He uses Nalam Ayushcare Treatment Center ; Multi-dimensional treatment systems to heal various chronic diseases. Having 10+ years experience in the field of acupuncture therapy , Acupressure and other alternative medical therapy. So far we have treated more than 20,000 people for various diseases.

  • Acupuncturist
  • Electropath
  • Hypnotist
  • Advance Dorn Therapist
  • YOGA Therapist
  • Counselling and Psychotherapist
  • Medical Herbal Beautician